Caffeine for your brand

Fun facts as you enjoy your next cup of Joe!

Newly planted coffee trees take 3 to 4 years to bear fruit. The ripe fruit, called the coffee cherry, is bright red. There's typically one major harvest annually, with some regions having a secondary crop.

Harvesting is labor-intensive, done by hand in most places but mechanized in some locations.

Harvesting coffee involves either stripping all cherries at once or manually selecting the ripe ones.

A good picker gathers 100 to 200 pounds of cherries daily, yielding 20 to 40 pounds of beans.

In the dynamic landscape of business, where competition is fierce and consumer expectations are constantly evolving, the need for a clear and compelling identity is more crucial than ever.

Establishing a solid foundation for your brand involves the percolation of a strategic plan that guides every aspect of your business—a mission, vision, and values statement.

Let’s define three pillars:

  1. Mission Statement

    A mission statement serves as the heartbeat of your brand, articulating the fundamental purpose of your existence. It encapsulates why your business exists, what it aims to achieve, and for whom.

  2. Vision Statement

    While a mission statement outlines the present purpose, a vision statement paints a picture of the future. It's an aspirational declaration that conveys where your brand aspires to be in the long term.

  3. Values 

    Values are the ethical and cultural cornerstones that shape the character of your brand and your culture. They represent the beliefs and principles that guide decision-making, behaviors, and relationships within the organization. Articulating values is essential for creating a positive and inclusive workplace culture.

Creating brand consistency

From marketing messages to employee behavior, having a strategic plan ensures consistency across all touchpoints. Consistency breeds trust, which is the currency of successful brands. When clients and employees understand and resonate with your brand's purpose, they are more likely to engage, advocate, and remain loyal.

As organizations navigate the challenges of today and plan for the uncertainties of tomorrow, a well-defined strategy becomes their guiding light, ensuring that every step is a meaningful and purposeful one.

Reach out today and let’s caffeinate your brand.


Photo credits
Left: Livier Garcia, Right: Clément Proust


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Let’s shape a fresh brand together

Rider: Brand positioning


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